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Restoration of Innocence

Project Purpose counsels toward the restoration of innocence for every child. We work with girls ages 10 - 24.  When a child has been trafficked it strips their sense of identity, self-worth and ability to choose.  We believe that to restore innocence, the girls must learn to disengage unhealthy thought patterns and overcome the lies they have been told about who they were created to be. 


In May 2016, the police brought Emily to our Transformation Centre. She had been trafficked with seven other girls across the border into South Africa at the age of 13. While the seven other girls are yet to be found, when the police brought Emily to us she was bitter and full of anger. While she had every right to feel this way, through a process of prayer and counseling Emily was able to let go of past injustices and embrace a new future. Project Purpose helped with locating Emily's family and at the age of 15 they were reunited.


This is Emily's school photo and registration form. It is a great victory for her and for those of us who journeyed with her through this restoration process. She successfully completed eighth grade and is now entering High School.

Ways in which We Serve

  • Outreach – Informing vulnerable populations about available services and educating them about human trafficking and other potential risk and harmful behaviors.

  • Training and Education Programs – Programming that trains service providers in identifying persons who have been trafficked and/ or trafficking specific service needs.

  • Clothing and Food – Basic needs in terms of food and clothing.

  • Housing – Basic needs in terms of immediate, short- and long-term housing.

  • Education – Provision of schooling or access to schooling at primary, secondary or tertiary.

  • Life Skills Training – Provision of training and education in various skills to assist a person to be able to live independently.

  • Family/Community Re-integration – Services to assist a person in making successful transitions to their new communities or back to their home communities.

  • Employment Assistance – Provision of job training and linking individuals with internships, apprenticeships and potential employers.

  • Medical Services –Types of medical treatment for any physical illness or injury.

  • Mental Health Services – Types of psycho-social services to treat various types of mental health issues.

  • Legal services – Legal services for persons who have been trafficked to access services, obtain asylum, obtain visas or seek restitution.

  • Governmental laws on victim protection/rights – Advocacy for legislation that specifically calls for persons who have been trafficked to receive protection services.

  • Interpretation/ Translation – Provision of language services for foreign nationals in their native language.

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